Plant measurements made easy

Capture accurate and consistent plant data easily with the Source Plant App.

Detailed overview of crop state

Effortlessly record what you see by updating a digital twin of the plant to capture vegetative and generative plant data at a granular level with our intuitive design.

High-quality data standardization

The Source Plant App eliminates the human subjectivity that leads to inaccurate plant data and wrong insights and instead ensures decision-making and harvest forecasts based on high-quality data.

Complete & accurate measurements

The Source Plant App’s protocols allow the capturing of complete and accurate data directly in the greenhouse, without the need for constant back-and-forth to the office.

agrocare grower tomasz

“The best thing about Source Track is its ability to display all vital information and KPIs for our cultivations in a single, customizable overview. The Source Plant App, with its user-friendly interface and digital representation of plants, significantly reduces errors compared to manual methods.”

Tomasz Golisz

Crop Manager and Grower, Agro Care Rilland

rainbow grower carlo

“I anticipate increased harvest certainty, as we can quickly identify and correct errors, leading to overall improvement. The software system allows for swift comparison across all our businesses, which I see as a significant advantage.”

Carlo Vonk

Grower, Rainbow Middenmeer

v.d. Bosch grower tomatoes

“By entering controllable values for lighting, temperature, and pruning, Source Cultivate lets you simulate the impact of your choices before the season has even started.”

Bart van den Bosch

Co-Owner, A&G van den Bosch

agrocare grower peter

“The Source Track dashboard is a huge mirror held up to you as a grower.”

Paul Grootscholten

Site Manager, AgroCare Wagenpad

c zwinkels grower with his plants

“Relying on climate computers can be time-consuming, and junior growers may not have the experience to understand the root causes of problems. With Source, we can get a single overview of the state of our most important KPIs across all three of our greenhouses.”

Arus Biersteker

General Manager and Head Grower, C. Zwinkels

Bryte Greenbalance Grower Frans van den Arend

“The key lies in striking a balance between technology and human intervention in cultivation. Source Track empowers me with an enhanced overview, enabling precise control over my greenhouse.”

Frans van den Arend

Head Grower and Location Manager, Greenbalance Bryte

Plant data collection with ease

We keep things easy: you record what you observe. The user-friendly design, the in-app protocols, and the seven available languages in the app allow everyone to effortlessly contribute to accurate and precise plant data generation. Freeing up time from execution to management.

Frequently asked questions

Do you have a question about The Source Plant App? We’ve compiled a short list. Can’t find what you’re looking for? Reach out to us!

What is the Source Plant App?
Can I use the Source Plant App without an internet connection?
How many plants do I need to measure to obtain enough data?
How does the Source Plant App interact with Source Track?
Do I need to purchase the Source Plant App on top of Source Track?

Empower your decisions with data you can trust

Transform your greenhouse operations with the Source Plant App, developed with and for growers, revolutionizing the way to capture accurate and detailed plant data.